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Star Wars: Battlefront Outer Rim Content and Free Update Details

Star Wars: Battlefront Outer Rim Content and Free Update Details

DICE and EA have revealed the first expansion arriving to the rebooted Star Wars: Battlefront series. The Outer Rim will feature three new maps. Players will be able to return to the desolate plains of Tatooine and battle within Jabba the Hutt's palace, and a sail barge garage and within the lava streamed smelting factories of Sullust.

The maps will also be playable on the brand new Extraction mode, which sees Rebel forces enter the enemy territory to extract high value resources, the Empire's job is stop them from extracting. 

Not only that, but players will be able to take charge with new weapons - the Relby V-10 and DT-12 blaster and collect brand new cards within matches and arming players with a Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade and Adrenaline Stim.

Finally, the Outer Rim will also introduce two new iconic heroes, Greedo, the bounty hunter that we all know Han Solo shot first and Lando's Millennium Falcon co-pilot Nien Nunb from Return of the Jedi. 

No official release date on the arrival of the DLC, but EA promises it will be later this month for all Season Pass owners.

In the meantime, players can checkout the free content drop now, which features a new Survival Mission in the Rebel Depot on Tatooine and a new multiplayer map Survivors of Edor which looks to be more open and war-torn than the current Edor map.

Calum Parry

Calum Parry

Staff Writer

A bearded fellow whom spends most days gaming and looking at tech he can never afford. Has a keen eye for news and owns a dog that's a bear.

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Dombalurina - 07:48pm, 11th March 2016

I can't believe nobody's come to complain about Han shooting first. Which he didn't, I saw it :p

Calmine - 08:51pm, 11th March 2016 Author

In the words of Harrison Ford "I don't know and I don't care" - Best response every regarding that matter of who shot first xD

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