Stainless Finally Patches Carmageddon: Reincarnation
It's been three months and three days since Carmageddon: Reincarnation launched, and four days since we posted up an article titled Short Thought: Why No Patches for Carmageddon: Reincarnation?, but Stainless Games have finally released a patch!
It weighs in at 2.3GB and claims to have improved performance by at least 20% and as much as 30%. These come due to the 350 bugs which have been fixed, including:
1. We identified and fixed over 25 separate crashes
2. Optimised car damage physics
3. Optimised our general physics code (various improvements, including significantly reducing slow down during extreme pinball with multiple objects)
4. The default install resolution will now use your desktop for fresh installs (except for low end PC users)
5. Fixed significant rendering issues for Crossfire & SLI users
6. Removed the Windows 7 requirement for Windows update KB2670838
7. We identified and fixed several bugs that caused significant stuttering/stalling on some PCs
8. Multiplayer desync and network interruption issues
Unfortunately the huge loading times have not yet been addressed, but shall be in a future update, along with further optimisation issues.
Perhaps these changes would have improved our review...
Here's some of the changes, the rest can be found on the Steam announcement:
- Further optimisation on car damage code
- Added SLI/Crossfire support
- Improved game performance for machines with low RAM
- Fixed an issue with loading times when you have vsync turned on in the visual options
- Reduced stuttering on low spec machines resulting in a much smoother experience
- Improved performance when Pinball Mode PowerUp is in effect
- The game no longer needs the KB2670838 Windows update when using Windows 7
- Localisation fixes
- Number of laps required on long routes have been reduced
- Players should now be able to switch between APO using either the arrow keys or A and D when upgrading vehicles
- Fixed an issue with mines exploding twice when not making contact with a target when using the Mine Shitting PowerUp
- Cop vehicles now return to their static state on event restart and do not remain active
- APO slots now show the correct amount available
- Fixed caps on momentary PowerUps
- Death Race mode would show players in the lead when they’re not
- ‘Menage a Trois’ achievement is now unlockable
- ‘Filled er up!’ achievement is now unlockable
- Fixed an issue when scrolling through leaderboards
- Fixed the ‘Car Tart’ challenge to correctly display 24 cars instead of 25
- Fixed the ‘Hotwiring Hotstuff’ challenge to correctly display 24 cars instead of 25
- Sound effects volume now no longer effects the engine volume which has its own slider
- New animation effects now present on the bloody hand cursor (still not bloody though!)
- Fixed APO bars incorrectly appearing in the garage when pressing the RT/LT triggers on a controller
- Fixed a bug with the tutorial which meant you could get stuck when being told to go to the Stadium
- Wheelspin is now only available when the car is travelling below 5mph
- The game will now choose desktop resolution as the default game resolution for fresh installs (except on low end machines)
Platinum - 02:30pm, 26th August 2015
To little to late, not really interested now, shame really as it had a lot of potential
Acelister - 02:37pm, 26th August 2015 Author
Exactly what people will say when Arkham Knight is patched in a couple of weeks...
Which is definitely a shame, the multiplayer community will definitely be full of die-hard fans, and newcomers will get "pwned like n00bs" as the kids say.
Platinum - 11:00am, 27th August 2015
Yep, not really got into the Batman series yet but I plan to, ill get Arkham night on console I think, it will work and I get cheevos :)
Its really bad when a game is so bad its making me want the console version :(