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Smite Releases New Cinematic Trailer To Celebrate Launch

A new cinematic teaser trailer has been released for Smite , the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena from Hi-Rez Studios. It's awesome and features Thor, Fenrir and a few others.

Smite is available NOW so go download it and get your omnipotent wrath on.

 During the beta leading up to this release some info was gathered that boggles the mind.

  • 13.5 Billion minions met a squishy death, that's twice the population of the planet.
  • One unnamed player fought 2028 matches, 1962 of them as Agni.
  • 11 million matches were played by sun worshippers as Ra over a total of 481 man-years.
  • 1000 man-years were spent waiting for a respawn.

The infographic below has all this info from the beta that Hi-Rez have released.

Infographic Beta Stats

Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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