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SMITE God Reveal - Scylla

Hi-Rez Studios have today revealed the next God to enter the battleground will be Scylla, Horror of the Deep. Taking the form of a little girl, Scylla is a lot more dangerous than meets the eye.

The video above will show you the Lore behind her, but here is a quick run-down of her moves.

  • Passive: Quick Learner - Each of Scylla's abilities gain an additional effect at maximum rank
  • Seek 'Em - Scylla sends two hounds forward, damaging, rooting and crippling the first enemy hit
  • Crush - Scylla creates a magical field that shows enemies. After a short duration it detonates, causing damage
  • Sentinel - Scylla summons her sentinel, Zoey, to the target location, granting her vision of enemies
  • Ultimate: I'm a Monster - Scylla becomes crowd control immune while gaining movement speed. She may make one powerful attack during the duration

For a detailed look at each of these moves, have a watch of the video above.

Kris 'Kaostic' West

Kris 'Kaostic' West


Zombie slayer, quest completer, mouse clicker and, in his downtime, writer and editor.

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