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Shadow of Mordor Receives The Bright Lord DLC Tomorrow

The Bright Lord DLC, a new Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor story mission expansion pack, will be available tomorrow.

In The Bright Lord, players become Celebrimbor, creator of the Rings of Power, and face the Dark Lord himself. Celebrimbor will use his new abilities to dominate Sauron and retrieve the One Ring in order to take control of Middle-Earth. Features include:

  • Wield the Power of the One Ring to dominate and defeat your enemies. Activate the ring to become invisible and tear through your enemies from the shadows
  • Deadly new Elven Archery abilities with a rapid fire bow
  • New ways to dominate your enemies and build your Army including Shadow Brand
  • New Story Campaign, including 10 new Missions
  • New “Test of the Ring” Challenge Mode
  • Higher level enemies (i.e., only way to get Level 30 Runes to take back to the Main Story Campaign) with the goal to Dominate rather than kill the hierarchy

As well as the highlights above, The Bright Lord DLC includes hordes of new, higher level enemies to fight your way through as well as an epic boss battle against The Dark Lord Sauron.

The Bright Lord DLC is available tomorrow for £7.99 and to Season Pass holders on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. If you can't wait until then, check out the gameplay trailer above.

Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!

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