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Satisfactory Update 5 Now Available!

Satisfactory's new update is up now and here's what you should know!

We are excited to tell you all about what will be available with this new update. Coffee Stain Studios announced that the update will include five highly requested content additions, gameplay updates, and visual overhauls. Here are some of the things that will be available in the game:

  • 10 highly customisable "sign" buildings.
  • Train Locomotive and Train Station UI improvements
  •  Upgraded Automated vehicle pathing 
  • Improved visuals when looking from a distance
  • The Truck Station has been remodeled, with an added input and output slot and improved UI.
  • The Customizer tool 

The game has also had some quality of life improvements to the build system and the addition of dedicated servers so that players can now host a world and play with their friends! 

This Satisfactory Update 5 is now available on Steam and Epic Games Store in Early Access!

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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