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Saints Row Marches on to GOG With a Free Game

Saints Row Marches on to GOG With a Free Game

GOG.com have added another string to their bow with the publishing of the most recent Saints Row games on their platform. With no DRM and GOG Connect support, this should please both potential and existing owners of the games.

As well as providing the games for sale, there’s also a special launch offer now on with Saints Row 2 available for free over a 48 hour period. But that’s not all as GOG.com is also running a week-long, up to 75% off sale on all Deep Silver games. The offer includes all of the Saints Row series, as well as the Metro and Risen franchises, Sacred 2 Gold and Deadlight: Director’s Cut. The discounts will run until the 27th and the free copy of Saints Row 2 will run until the 22nd of April at 10AM UTC.

If you already own any of the Saints Row series on Steam, then you can get a DRM free copy registered on GOG. Just sign into the GOG website and go to the connect section (or use the GOG galaxy software) to register your ownership.


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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Acelister - 11:53am, 21st April 2017

Saints Row 2 is free on Steam at the moment, too.

DCello - 11:54am, 21st April 2017


Acelister - 11:59am, 21st April 2017

That was Saints Row The Third. Saints Row 2 had FUZZ, where you dressed as a cop and "stopped" crime.

DCello - 12:00pm, 21st April 2017

Yep, but "murder time, fun time!" is funnier .-.

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