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Runic Games Announces Hobs

Runic Games Announces Hobs

Runic Games, creators of the Torchlight series has shown us a completely new IP called Hobs. Hobs promises to be a narrative focused puzzle game in which the world is not revealed through dialogue.

As players progress they will see a story unfold through action and interaction with the world. With the players help you may fix this damaged mechanical world or it may delve deeper into chaos. Beneath this colorful world lies a dark secret that will unfold as you solve the games puzzles and challenges.

At PAX Prime in Seattle, 28th August through 31st August players can experience a hands on preview for Hobs.

Hobs will be available for both PC and console gamers at a later date once the game is complete. If you like the idea of this game you can see more about it at Runic Games own page here.

Julian Matthew Martinez

Julian Matthew Martinez

News Reporter

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