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Rundown of BONEWORKS' First Major 2020 Update

The year's first major update for Stress Level Zero's BONEWORKS is out now. In addition to an array of behind-the-scenes fixes and stabilisation features, a substantial amount of brand-new content has been added to the game. Here's what players booting up the game post-update can expect to find:

  • Save Spots - Interactable savespot machines are now scattered throughout each level. These will save a players mid-level progress and inventory with a pleasant —and polite— "Thank You!" message to accompany it.
  • Brawl Mode - Letting players choose which enemies to fight (and in what quantity) within the existing endgame arena.
  • New Sandbox Items - More gachapons hidden throughout the levels provide additional objects for BONEWORKS' sandbox environement. Particular focus has been put on a variety of big foam blocks: "Try building some giant foam castles" Stress Level Zero suggests.
  • Ammo and Health Machines in Sandbox Mode - Pretty much what it says on the tin...
  • Sandbox Environment Changed - BlankBox, the new sandbox environment provides more of a... well, blank space for players to fill to their heart's content. This change helps bring maximum performance which players will inevitably ruin by spawning more enemies than their poor processors can handle.
  • Display Case - Found in the main menu and the in-game sandbox, this display case functions as a record of all the player's unlocks.
  • New Weapons - Pickaxe and Katar. (It's essentially a knuckle duster with a knife stuck on the end. Yeah, I had to Google it too.)
  • Updated Climbing - Stabilised climbing should make it more enjoyable.

BONEWORKS' first 2020 update is out now for PC via steam. Check out the release trailer above.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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