Riot Games Extends League of Legends' Controversial Hall of Legends Pass
League of Legends' patch 14.14 released on the 17th of July, and what should have normally been the end of the controversial Hall of Legends pass has been extended for a while longer.
This controversial pass is the one responsible for the #BanAhri movement, which raised her ban rate to sky-high levels. After the $500 skin debacle, the movement has since subsided substantially (aside from some dedicated players that continue with the crusade), and following this, the pass has been extended.
Patch 14.14 marks the beginning of the newest League of Legends event, with the Anima Squad Pass being released alongside the brand-new limited-time PvE game mode. Though both of these will be running simultaneously, do bear in mind that the missions and EXP will not provide cross-EXP. Missions for the Anima Squad will give EXP for the Anima Squad pass, and vice versa for the Hall of Legends.
The Hall of Legends extension is until the next patch (Patch 14.15), which will release on the 31st of July 2024.