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Return to an '80s Classic in Carrier Command 2

Developer Geometa has announced that it is working on a genuine, numbered sequel to the 1988 classic Carrier Command . Titled Carrier Command 2, the game looks to recapture the original's real-time vehicle simulation gameplay and retro aesthetic for a modern era, ramping up the complexity and freedom of choice. The game is set to release on PC and Mac in Q2 2021; check out the reveal trailer above.

carrier command 2 screenshot

Developed in conjunction with MicroProse, a company which, since 1982, has been behind numerous renowned simulation and strategy titles like X-COM, Civilization, Gunship and Silent Service. It returns to bring Carrier Command to the 21st century, albeit with a distinctly retro-inspired art style.

Aboard their near-future airborne carrier, players will be tasked with conquering the numerous isles of the Archipelago, making the most of the forces at their disposal. They'll need to gather intel, construct a plan of action and work together with their various units (as well as their friends via online multiplayer) to ensure success. There's a mountain of equipment to make use of, near-endless paths to success and a true focus on tactical freedom across land, sea or air.

Carrier Command 2 is set for release on PC and Mac in Q2 2021.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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azrael316 - 10:13pm, 19th December 2020

Ooooh, one of the best games on the Atari ST. Didnt know they were making a new one. :)
