Raptr Undergoes Security Breach
The PC gaming network, Raptr, has recently had a security breach and is advising all users to renew their information on all websites to ensure maximum security for everyone.
The CEO of Raptr, Dennis Fong, confirmed that a breach has taken place to the gaming network's database, and claims that "usernames, email addresses, password hashes, and real names may have been accessed" he also advises that your change information such as passwords on other websites just in-case the breach was significant and passwords were hijacked, he suggests that passwords are to be complex and not duplicated.
Fong says: "so we're very sorry to inform you that some Raptr user data may have been recently compromised in an attack similar to hacking activities that have been targeted other high-profile sites and services such as Xbox Live and Sony's PlayStation Network."
Mister Woot - 06:13pm, 3rd February 2015
It's good that Thresh let everyone know as quickly as he did though. There was a notice about this on the client and website in no time. Always did have a lot of time for Dennis, ever since he beat won Carmacks 328GTS at the 1997 Red Annihilation tournament.
Acelister - 06:29pm, 3rd February 2015
I don't use the client and never visit the site. Where's the email warning me of this? Nowhere.
Phil - 06:54pm, 3rd February 2015 Author
@[537776659:Andrew Acelister Duncan] That's what you get for not being a valued customer!! :')