PS Plus Members Will Have to 'Hang on a Bit Longer' For March Announcement
March's PS Plus announcement is still 'not quite ready' according to Fred Dutton, manager of the European PlayStation Blog.
In a conversation with fans in the comments section, Dutton responded to questions regarding PS Plus line-up for March. You can see what he said below.
It is unclear as to why March's line-up still remains an enigma, although the likely reasoning is due to PlayStation's recent announcement of Spring Fever, in which a new game will be released every week for 8-weeks.
Calmine - 09:58pm, 28th February 2015
Only just realised that they hadn't announced next months. Hope it's good.
domdange - 10:46pm, 28th February 2015 Author
Yeah, they call that February fever... stupid 28 days! No doubt we'll find out early next week in time for the weekly update on wedndesday. I'm praying for Hotline Miami, want an excuse to play it!
Calmine - 11:16pm, 28th February 2015
Pretty sure they already did Hotline Miami as Plus title, wouldn't hurt again to boost hype for 2. Doubt they'll do 2 as a plus title, that's a game me and others will be throwing money at. Me thinks it might be that Helldivers game.
Acelister - 12:28am, 1st March 2015
"It may well be next week" - he says at half five on a Friday... No, really?
Only reason I played - and sucked at, and uninstalled - Hotline Miami is because it was free on PS+. No way #2 will be on PS+ for at least six months post-release.
It is really strange that they are delaying the announcement. Surely it's a case of 'throw a dart, chuck out those games'.
reece92david - 01:33pm, 1st March 2015
I really enjoyed Hotline Miami but it's probably one of the most frustrating games I've ever played.