PS Plus Content For March
Despite there being a delay late last week, March's PS Plus games have been announced and will be available from the 4th March. Here's what subscribers can get their hands on this month:
- Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty - PS4
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War - PS4
- Papo and Yo - PS3
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - PS3
- OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood - PS Vita/PS4
- Counterspy - PS Vita/PS3/PS4
Both OlliOlli 2 and Counterspy are cross-buy meaning you can take your PS Plus goodies with you wherever you go.
If you still haven't picked up February's gems, Apotheon and Rogue Legacy to name a few, then you better act fast. They will only be available until tomorrow when March's games will take their place.
PS Plus is available to all PSN members and costs £39.99 to subscribe for a year.
Acelister - 08:20pm, 3rd March 2015
Phil - 08:28pm, 3rd March 2015
Definitely pick up Rogue Legacy, it's an amazing game!
On a side note, Olli Olli 2 was released today and it straight into PS Plus content, definitely worth the pickup to everyone.
domdange - 08:29pm, 3rd March 2015 Author
Haha, that's the catch, everything good on the PS4! I'm really excited for Valiant Hearts and Counterspy. Heard nothing but good things
RGDfleet - 08:31pm, 3rd March 2015
Well... my PS Plus ran out a few months ago. No money... sadness.
reece92david - 09:29am, 4th March 2015
Valinat Hearts! and Olli Olli 2 is a great release.
Mister Woot - 11:29am, 4th March 2015
Well, that's a bucket of arse. Glad I let my plus lapse for a while.
Calmine - 02:02pm, 4th March 2015
The Griddler - 03:50pm, 4th March 2015
Valiant Hearts is amazing. Looking forward to trying out the other PS4 games too"
Kaostic - 04:04pm, 4th March 2015
I picked up Valiant Hearts in the Winter Sale. Still haven't played it...
domdange - 03:57pm, 4th March 2015 Author
I have a productive weekend ahead of me... all of them are now downloaded and Hotline Miami is £3.20, so i threw that in for good measure as well!