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Project Cars Patch Notes Detailed

Project Cars Patch Notes Detailed

Despite the recent announcement of Project CARS 2, developer Slightly Mad Studios haven't abandoned their maiden title just yet. The upcoming Patch 2.0 includes a plethora of improvements for every aspect of the game.

Most notably, PC players will see an improvement in framerate by up to 5% when running on Ultra settings. Xbox One users get an increase in framefrate too, up to 17% in extreme conditions.

Some other improvements include: 

  • Multiplayer search filter 'Skill' now finds games based upon certain lobby game configuration criteria. 
  • When an event cannot be entered, it will now display the reason why.
  • Online – Ensure that vehicle light repairs are synchronized in MP races so that repaired headlights are visible by other racers.
  • Adjustments made to the gears system, to prevent gears being skipped under certain conditions. 
  • Steering wheels – reduced the centering rate of the steering spring. This improves the feel of steering wheels at very low speeds.
  • Added support for the use of all active controllers for menu input. 
  • Adjusted rain tyres to generally be more sensitive to overheating, and less efficient in the dry.
  • Improvements to AI navigation to lessen collisions during cramped race starts, improve detection of other cars during cornering, and improve clean overtaking.

For a look at the entire list, and there is a lot to go through, visit the official Project CARS forum.





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Unemployed and with no redeeming qualities, Socrates now spends his days giving you the la-li-lu-le-lowdown on all things gaming.

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