Pokémon UK National Championships This Month
The championships for both the Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire are being held in Manchester on 30-31st May.
The event is being held at EventCity (which does indeed sound like a town in Pokémon) and will decide who goes on to the 2015 Pokémon World Championships in Boston, Massachusetts in August!
Entry is free for both events, however only UK residents can enter the TCG. If you want to enter the videogame tournament, you can come from anywhere.
To compete in the video game tournament, players need to bring a system from the Nintendo 3DS family and a copy of Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, along with their Player ID. To get a Player ID, please visit Pokemon.co.uk or register at the event. To receive the special Pachirisu, players are not required to take part in the tournament, but will need to bring along their systems.
Oh, that's right, we didn't mention the free level 50 Pachirisu you get just for turning up with a 2DS or 3DS!
Based on a member of the winner for the 2014 World Championship's team, the electric type has has the moves Nuzzle, Follow Me, Super Fang, and Protect, and the Hidden Ability Volt Absorb. It is also legal to use in the tournament!
The final joint European VG and TCG National Championships of the season, is the 2015 Pokémon Italian National Championships: 13-14 June 2015, at Mediolanum Forum, Assago.