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PlayStation Now Jumps To Windows PC

Sony's streaming service PlayStation Now has made the jump to Windows PC users. Originally available on PlayStation 4 you can now use the service on any Windows desktop or laptop.

PlayStation Now lets you play games remotely, requiring no large game downloads just a steady broadband connection over 5Mbps with a 12Mbps connection recommended for the best experience.

The service has over 300 PlayStation 3 titles available to play including many exclusives including Uncharted 3: Drake's DeceptionThe Last Of UsGod Of War IIIIco as well as lots of third party titles such as Batman: Arkham OriginsBorderlands 2 and Bioshock Infinite.

The PC specifications listed on the site are the following:

PS Now System Specs

The service has a 7-day trial available and the usual subscription cost is £12.99 per month. You can find out more information about the service on the official site here.

Simone Brown

Simone Brown

Staff Writer

Often reminiscing about the 'good old days'. Simone has almost perfected her plan to enter the Speed Force and alter the timeline.

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Acelister - 02:45pm, 29th August 2016

If I had more free time, I'd certainly consider it. But £13 a month for the ability to play 3-4 games for a few hours each, is still a little pricey compared to the hundreds I already have on Steam and GOG.

pucechan - 04:53pm, 29th August 2016 Author

Yeah the pricing seems on the steep side, I'm curious how it performs, OnLive back before it disappeared forever was actually quite competent. Still wouldn't play shooters/fighters on it though :)

Rasher - 03:03pm, 29th August 2016

This such a great idea, but so late in the game, we all wanted this 6 or 7 years back :(
