PlayStation 12 Deals of Xmas: Day Six
PlayStation Store’s annual 12 Deals of Christmas returns this year offering discounts every two days. Until Christmas Eve you'll be able to get some great savings off handfuls of PS4, PS3 and PS Vita titles.
Here's what you can get your hands on on Day six, available now the next 48 hours (start time 12:00 GMT December 11th).
Alien: Isolation (PS4) -£24.99/€34.99
Alien Isolation (PS3) -£19.99/€24.99
Alien: Isolation Season Pass (PS4/PS3) -£13.99/€16.99
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f (PS Vita) -£11.99/€14.99
All are available online through the PlayStation Store - PS Plus members will also receive a further 10% off of the listed Hatsune Miku price.
Check back in 48-Hours when we'll have more deals from the PlayStation Store.
domdange - 02:59pm, 11th December 2014 Author
Still nothing to freak out over...
domdange - 03:03pm, 11th December 2014 Author
It baffles me how expensive digital games are on the PS Store