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PGW17: Spelunky 2 Announced

In news that no one saw coming but everyone is happy about Sony announced Spelunky 2 during their Paris Games Week conference. 

The sequel to one of the most critically-acclaimed and loved games of recent years has finally been announced. Though not much information was released other then the reveal trailer there is plenty to get excited about. We see a history of the main character from the original Spelunky growing old, having a family and a child who looks to be the main character of the new game. As the torch is passed from one generation to the next, so to does Spelunky 2 look to continue the legacy that the first game created. 

No word on a release date for now but Spelunky 2 is in development for PlayStation 4. 

Paris Games Week 2017
Judgemental Waifu

Judgemental Waifu

Staff Writer

Married a light cruiser. No, really

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