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PC Gaming Show: Tales of Seikyu

Many of us dream of leaving the hustle and bustle of the big cities behind and taking on a calmer life of pastoral bliss. This idea is what takes you and your sister, Kon, to the legendary land of Seikyu wherein you use your savings to buy a house and begin your easy life… however, living among Yokai is anything but easy.

In Tales of Seikyu, you will be tasked with tending the small farm you have bought: use the local produce to craft unique recipes, build coops and barns for your animals, and get to know the 30 characters in and around the town. Can you find one to profess your love to? In addition to farming, you can also venture through the land and uncover the beauty of the countryside with the use of Divine Masks to transform into many unique creatures, such as the vine-climbing Dryad or flying Tengu! The history and mystery of Seikyu await.

Summer Game Fest 2024
Martin Heath

Martin Heath

Staff Writer

Professional Bungler

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