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PC Gaming Show: Tactical Breach Wizards

Suspicious Developments showcased gameplay for Tactical Breach Wizards today at the PC Gaming Show. From a Navy Seer to a Freelance Storm Witch, there are plenty of wizards to take into turn-based battles. Be sure to watch the trailer for a breakdown of the characters!

As you level up in Tactical Breach Wizards, you’ll be tailor your powers and playstyle, setting up combos and experimenting in tricky situations. And with customisable difficulty levels, you can determine what kind of challenge you’d like to play.

Tactical Breach Wizards will launch on the 20th of August 2024 on PC via Steam! The demo is available to play now.

Summer Game Fest 2024
Alyssa Rochelle Payne

Alyssa Rochelle Payne

Staff Writer

Alyssa is great at saving NPCs from dragons. Then she writes about it.

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