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Overwatch's 27th Hero, Brigitte, Announced

The newest hero to join Overwatch has been revealed and this time it's Brigitte, one of Torbjörn’s daughters.

Brigitte Lindholm, for those who don't know her, is an engineer-adventurer who has always had an interest in her fathers work. At the same time her godfather, Reinhardt, told tales of epic adventurers and battles that lead her to join his side and  she become Reinhardt's squire. As time passed though it became clear to her that she couldn't just be a mechanic, patching up Reinhardt's armor and wounds and began creating her own armor and training in combat to be able to protect those close to her. Now Brigitte fights at Reinhardt's side and the two journey together as knight and squire to make the world a better place. 

As a armor wearing engineer with a rocket flail as her weapon of choice, Brigitte is able to heal allies and strike multiple targets at the same time. Her shield, though not as big as Reinhardt's. allows her to provide personal defense all while creating opportunities for her to charge into the battle, stunning and damaging enemies she hits. Her full ability list is as follows: 

  • ROCKET FLAIL: Brigitte's melee weapon has an extended range, enabling her to strike multiple enemies with a single swing.
  • REPAIR PACK: Brigitte throws a Repair Pack that can heal an ally. Any healing over that ally’s maximum health provides them with armor instead.
  • WHIP SHOT: Brigitte throws her flail a long distance, dealing damage and knocking an enemy away from her.
  • BARRIER SHIELD: Brigitte deploys a frontal energy barrier to absorb a limited amount of damage.
  • SHIELD BASH: Once her Barrier Shield is deployed, Brigitte can dash forward to stun an enemy.
  • RALLYBrigitte moves faster and provides all nearby allies with armor that lasts until it’s removed by damage.

Brigitte is currently available for testing in the Overwatch PTR right now, and early reactions are possible for this new support character. You can see her origin story trailer above. 

Overwatch is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Judgemental Waifu

Judgemental Waifu

Staff Writer

Married a light cruiser. No, really

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