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No Man's Sky Outlaw Update

No Man's Sky Outlaw Update

No Man's Sky Outlaw is a huge update that introduces new features to the game, such as Solar Ships, which are the newest high-tech starship class. They come with a range of procedurally generated variations and have their own unique technologies. Players can find them all throughout the universe.

Additionally, the outlaws that have been added provide a handful of new features to the game, such as having the option to purchase contraband good from their stations and shuttle them across to regulated systems, selling them at a larger profit. To counter that, the system authorities will also occasionally scan passing ships and probe their cargo, so players must be careful. Outlaws will also have their own technology merchants, marketplaces for contraband items, mission agents, and more.

Another new feature is the ability to form a squadron by recruiting pilots. These new wingmates will accompany players throughout their journey, automatically warping to their location upon entering space combat, and can be summoned to fly into formation at any time. Their skills, traits, and battle statistics will be available for inspection from the Manage Fleet terminal that is located on the bridge of the capital ship. There, players will have the capability to expand their fleet capacity by unlocking additional pilot slots or train their existing ones to upgrade their efficiency in combat.

Additionally to all the big added features, No Man's Sky is also getting quite a bit of new, smaller features, such as:

  • Space combat has been improved, as the risk and reward system was rebalanced.
  • Destruction effects for ships, asteroids, freighters, and space cargo have all received an overhaul to make them more dramatic and satisfying.
  • Looking up into the sky, players will now see occasional fleets of frigates thundering across the sky.
  • The warp and engine effects of all frigates and freighters have been overhauled to add better graphics.
  • Players can now find combat within planetary atmospheres.
  • The starship's cargo inventory can now be upgraded, allowing players to haul more items with them.
  • Players can now own up to nine starships, allowing those that like collecting to have a wider range of classes, colours, and designs.
  • It is possible to switch the primary starship whilst within the hangar.
  • Cloth now moves more realistically in-game, with fabrics such as hoods and capes. Players can visit the Appearance Modifier and try out the new, fully-customisable cape designs.
  • The Starship Combat Auto-Follow option allows players to automatically lock-on during space combat but still allows precision adjustment from players' input. The option can be found in the accessibility tab.
  • Pirate, trader, and sentinel starships now have energy shields that vary in strength and recharge speed.
  • Those that prey on trader ships or passing freighters will get more profit from it now, but the Sentinel interceptors will respond on attacks.
  • If players would like to restore their reputation after engaging in piracy, they can do so by presenting a Forged Passport to the Station Core within any regulated space station.
  • Starship weapons have been rebalanced, such as the Cyclotron Ballista can now disable hostile ship engines, and the Phase Beam can leech shield energy from the enemy.
  • The outlaws will also come with their Bounty Master, who will offer a range of procedurally generated mission.
  • Space combat has also received an effects overhaul to make it more immersive. Both NPC and player ships alike have improved muzzle flashes, lighting, impact effects, projectiles, and more.
  • Pirates will attack settlements and buildings, raining fire on them and the surroundings. Players can now them off for rewards.
  • And more.

Additionally, A new narrative-driven expedition that centres around The Blight — pirates that have been terrorising the galaxy — is available. Players can find a treasure that contains exclusive rewards, such as the battle-worn Outlaw Cape, a friendly wayward cube for the base, a unique starship trail, and more.

If you'd like to know even more about the huge update and what it brings, check out their website here.

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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