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No Demo for Watch_Dogs

No Demo for Watch_Dogs

Jonathan Morin, the creative director of Ubisoft's upcoming Watch Dogs, has announced on Twitter that the title will not be receiving a demo on any platforms.

Morin claimed that "doing demos take time, the focus is on the game." 

Watch Dogs has had some development issues, it was delayed from its original November 2013 to May 2014 mere weeks beforehand. Ubisoft claimed this was because certain features would need more time in development or they would have been cut from the project entirely. 

The game will be released on May 27th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. The Wii U release has been delayed to an unspecified date.




News Specialist

Hater of everything you love, also wears a hoodie at all times to hide how fat he truly is.

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