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Nintendo's Next Console Might Not Have a Disc Drive

Nintendo's Next Console Might Not Have a Disc Drive

Are Nintendo about to go all digital? A patent filed for what is, presumably, the NX, suggests that they might be.

Spotted by an eagle-eyed NeoGAF user, the patent application is for a videogame console that does not have an optical disc drive.

According to the patent, game data can be downloaded via"high-speed communication such as ADSL or optical communication," which means, in plain English, downloading games digitally via high-speed internet.

The patent goes on to say that consumers will not need to purchase "a recording medium."

Such a move, should it prove to be true, would be significant. Gamers have previously voiced their discontent at the Xbox One's decision to require a regular internet connection, which forced Microsoft to change their approach.

 Nintendo are yet to comment on the matter but, in the interim, it's best to take this with a pinch of salt.



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Unemployed and with no redeeming qualities, Socrates now spends his days giving you the la-li-lu-le-lowdown on all things gaming.

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Acelister - 05:06pm, 24th August 2015


You know, smartphones also require games to be downloaded from the internet...
