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Nintendo Unveiling New 3DS Game at E3 with 90 Minute Presentation

Nintendo Unveiling New 3DS Game at E3 with 90 Minute Presentation

Nintendo have unveiled more details about their alternative E3 presentation today as they have added a Super Smash Bros developer discussion and a 90 minute presentation on an, as yet, unannounced Nintendo 3DS game.

The Smash Bros discussion will take place on the 10th of June and run from 10pm to 11:30pm ET and will be lead by director Masahiro Sakurai. The second discussion will be held on June 11 from 9M to 10:30pm ET but the only information given is that it will revolve around a new Nintendo 3DS title.

Whilst, in the past, Nintendo have hosted developer discussions this is the first time that they will be broadcast online and will make up part of the online Play Nintendo presentation that Nintendo is hosting in lieu of a traditional E3 presence, which will include information on upcoming titles, a Super Smash Bros tournament and Smash Fest @ Best Buy.

E3 2014 will be taking place between June 10th and June 12th, make sure to stay tuned to GameGrin for all the updates.

Jonathan Durham

Jonathan Durham

News Reporter

With a backlog that would bury a man, Jonathan writes about games to ward off the thought he might, one day, suffer that very fate.

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