"Next Car Game" Gets an Official Name and Multiplayer
Bugbear Entertainment has revealed Build #6 and a number of new details about their upcoming racing game--which was under the working title "Next Car Game"--including the official title: Wreckfest.
Wreckfest is named after the huge multi-car crashes that sometimes occur in professional races, something Bugbear claims is more than appropriate, as the game is "most visceral demolition racing mayhem in existence." With Build #6 has also come the announcement of 18-person multiplayer. But Bugbear is interested in expanding that to 24 people before the game's release, although that will require further fiddling with the network code.
Build #6 also adds the Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch racing modes, as well as the oval and figure-eight combo track Speedway. Drivers can also race with the new European coupe. The devs have also introduced tools to let players alter their Field of Vision, a new Reserve camera and the abilities to find your Steam friends' servers and use car upgrades in online mode.
Wreckfest is currently available on Steam Early Access and for pre-order on the game's website, but there is no word of an official release date for the PC game.