New Update for X-Rebirth
Egosoft has released a new update for X Rebirth that features a new menu system, shipyards for small ships, new missions, external camera and the ability to look around your cockpit (hey Star Citizen, X can do it too!) as well as many other smaller improvements.
The new sidebar style menu replaces the old circular one and is more streamlined so you're no longer hunting through level after level of options to get to where you want to be. It also offers up hotkey information at the bottom of each subsection so you eventually get to do away with it for a lot of options.
Should you wish, you can switch back to the old menu easily though.
There are also some new Diplomatic Aid missions accessed like the flight missions, but with a chain of diplomacy and backstabbing in your interstellar relations.
The complete list of what is in the 2.50 update for X Rebirth can be found on the steam page.