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New Pokémon and characters revealed for Pokémon Sun and Moon

New Pokémon announcements are quickly becoming my new form of addiction like Goblin D.Va to junk food and with eight new Pokémon and two new characters, Pokémon Sun & Moon is becoming as stylish as it is fabulous.

Type: Normal
The Synthetic Pokémon Silvally is the evolution of Type: Null. This Pokémon changes its type when exclusive items are inserted into the drive on its head, and its somatic cells mutate and glow with different colors of light depending on its type. Silvally has the new Ability RKS System, which causes this Pokémon to change type when holding specific type-related items. It also has the exclusive move Multi-Attack, an attack which changes depending on which type-related item it is holding.

Type: Dragon-Fighting
Hakamo-o is the Evolution of Jangmo-o. Hakamo-o dance before battle to show their strength, clanging their scales together. A solitary Pokémon that enjoys training alone, its scales are often torn off, but they grow back nearly immediately. Hakamo-o view the number of lost scales as proof of how ferociously they have fought in battle.

Type: Dragon-Fighting
Kommo-o is the Evolution of Hakamo-o. There is a legend that says Kommo-o are covered in glittering scales in order to drive away a great darkness covering the world. This Pokémon can learn the new move Clanging Scales. When using this attack, Kommo-o scrapes the scales covering its body against one another, attacking with a loud clamor. After using this move, Kommo-o’s Defense is lowered.

Type: Grass
The Fruit Pokémon Steenee is the Evolution of Bounsweet. The calyx on this Pokémon’s head is very hard, and Steenee attacks by smacking its opponent with it, combined with kicks from its tough legs. This Pokémon’s fragrance is even more delectable than that of Bounsweet.

Type: Grass
Only the strongest of Steenee are able to evolve into Tsareena. A very noble Pokémon, Tsareena use their strength to protect and rule over Bounsweet as their queen. This Pokémon attacks with very powerful, majestic kicks and uses its powerful fragrance to mesmerize its opponents. Some Tsareena have the exclusive new ability Queenly Majesty, which prevents opponents from using priority moves.

Type: Bug-Fairy
Ribombee is the Evolution of Cutiefly. This Pokémon collects flower nectar and pollen to make into balls, known as Pollen Puffs, which it can then launch at its opponent in battle. Some of the Pollen Puffs that Ribombee make also have relaxing effects or can relieve tiredness. These Pollen Puffs are distributed all over the Alola region.

Alolan Grimer
Type: Poison-Dark
As the population of the Alola region increased, dealing with garbage became a serious problem. As a solution, Grimer were imported from other regions and fed primarily on garbage, so their body composition changed—as did their form. What appear to be teeth in this Pokémon’s mouth are in fact residual toxins from the garbage it eats, which have hardened and crystallized. There are more than a hundred Alolan Grimer in Alola’s garbage-processing plants.

Alolan Muk
Type: Poison-Dark
Alolan Muk evolves from Alolan Grimer. The Muk in the Alola region produce and store their toxins within their bodies so, unlike Muk in other regions, you won’t detect any unpleasant aromas when you draw near one. Alolan Muk has the same poisonous crystals as Alolan Grimer, but they are all over the surface of its body. Alolan Muk uses them to attack, just like other Pokémon use their fangs or claws.

But what good are new Pokémon reveals without their human counter parts, enter: Olivia the Kahuna of Akala Island, the second island you visit across your island challenge, and Ilima a Trial Captain and graduate of the Trainers’ school, an expert in Normal-type Pokémon. Both of whom look incredible and continue the trend of style that Pokémon Sun & Moon has been oozing since it was first announced.

Which Pokémon takes your fancy in this reveal? Ours has to be Silvally and Kommo-o since they both look like they mean business. The new trainers don't scream memorable like Lt. Surge from Gen I and Cynthia from Gen IV, but something tells us Olivia might make it being somewhat memorable. Who knows, let us know in the comments which trainer has caught your eye.

Owen Chan

Owen Chan

Staff Writer

Is at least 50% anime.

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