New Monster Hunter World Footage Revealed
Following its reveal at E3 2017, Capcom has provided some brand new footage for the latest global iteration of Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter World.
The footage follows the player as they explore a dense new forest location in search of a dinosaur like new monster named the Anjanath. During the hunt, the player encounters several smaller monsters as well as environmental features, all acting as part of the title's new and active ecosystem, allowing players to use the environment as well as other creatures to their advantage during hunts. In addition to environmental aid, the player also has access to various smaller tools in their arsenal such as the slingshot, which allows the player to fire small projectiles at walls and trees in order to distract smaller enemies, and scoutflies which track the current target by collecting information from tracks.
Monster Hunter World is slated to debut in early 2018 on PS4, and Xbox One.