New Maps and Weapons Coming To Splatoon 2
During the most recent Nintendo Direct we were shown some of the upcoming content to the hit multiplayer game Splatoon 2.
Up first is a new weapon that is a variant of the Brella weapon that is called the Tenta Brella. This will give players a much wider range to defend themselves against incoming fire. When placed together with other Tenta Brellas a team can make a rather impressive wall to control the map.
The first of the two maps that were announced features the return of a much loved area from the first game, Kelp Dome. The catch is, there's many more grates this time around meaning you'll need to really watch your step! The second map revealed was Snapper Canal and takes place under a train bridge with a river running through the middle of the map. Controlling the flow of the map will be the key to the success on this one.
Kelp Dome will be available in Splatoon 2 on 15th September with Snapper Canal and the Tenta Brella coming in the future.