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New Infinite Crisis Champion - Starro

The team behind Infinite Crisis have announced a new champion heading to the game - Starro.

Starro is a Star Conqueror. These nomadic and parasitic creatures roam the cosmos in two forms: motherstars and parasites. Motherstars are sentient, while parasites are extensions of the motherstar's consciousness. A parasite attaches itself to other sentient creatures, allowing the motherstar to control that creature's mind. Once controlled, the victims work toward growing more motherstars to go out and bring universal harmony to other planets—by conquering them.

We've got a couple of videos and some artwork as well as in-game screenshots for you to take a look at above.

Players can sign-up for the beta today and immediately enter the Infinite Crisis battle arena.

Who's your favourite Infinite Crisis character and why?
Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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