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New DOOM Eternal Trailer Showcases Exciting New Enemy Type

DOOM Eternal was already shaping up to be an even more intense follow-up to 2016’s viscous reboot, but now the game is looking even more crazy with the brand new Hunter enemy type that’s been revealed in a new trailer.

The Hunter is essentially half demon/half machine, with a fleshy upper-body melding with a mechanical lower-half. This new foe hovers slightly off the ground, utilising a chainsaw that’s been welded into its left hand and some kind of large gun held in its right hand. The Hunter also uses rockets that it propels from its back as a way to cause more long range damage, keeping players on their toes.

This looks to be one of DOOM Eternal’s more formidable enemies, with the Doom Slayer seemingly having to use his increased mobility via the grappling hook to manoeuvre around it, while pumping it with dozens of bullets and shotgun shells.

DOOM Eternal releases on 22nd November for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC and Google Stadia.

Francis Kenna

Francis Kenna

Staff Writer

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