New Details Released for the Upcoming Metro Exodus Expansion
Deep Silver and 4A Games have lifted the lid on the second Metro: Exodus expansion pack, Sam's Story. Instead of Artyom, players will fill the shoes of former US Marine and loyal comrade to the Spartan Rangers, Sam, as he embarks on a journey to return to the USA.
Filled with hope after seeing parts of Russia survive the apocalypse in Metro Exodus, Sam intends to find out if America has clung to life too. Set in a brand-new, "expansive" survival level, Sam will need to fight harder than ever before if he's to stand a chance of surviving and reaching his homeland. Before he gets anywhere near to the USA, however, he'll have to traverse more crumbling pieces of civilisation in Vladivostok.
With new characters, weapons, environments and a new story, Sam's Story is set to feel like a true expansion to the original game. Owners of Metro Exodus' expansion pass will be entitled to access this content as no extra charge.
Sam's Story releases 11th February for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.