Monster Hunter World Demo Details
Details for the demo of Monster Hunter World have been unveiled in all their glory, including the length of the demo, specifications, and content information on what will be available for Hunting. A PS Plus subscription will be needed to access the demo, and it will not be available on the Xbox and PC. Internet access is also required in order to play, even for single-player content (the full release will not require online in order to progress through the main campaign). The demo will be available for download on the 8th December, however this is subject to change.
Start and End Time:
- Start: 5PM (GMT/UTC) Saturday, 9th December
- End: 4:59PM (GMT/UTC) Tuesday 12th December
Playable Content:
You will be able to explore the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. This will include the following quests in their listed difficulty:
- "Great Devourer, Great Jagras" Hunt a Great Jagras in the Ancient Forest
- "Wildspire Rampage" Hunt a Barroth in the Wildspire Waste
- "The Ancient Forest Menace" Hunt a Anjanath in the Ancient Forest
An important thing to note here, this does not limit you hunting these Monster alone. As noted in previous press notes, the game is meant to have a living and breathing ecosystem. This means it'll be possible to hunt other Monsters, notable ones being Rathian, Rathalos, and Diablos from game footage show. Wether not this will be the case within the demo isn't 100%, but these are relatively safe bets with these wild encounters.
Aside from that, you will have full access to the Training Area and the 14 weapon types to play around in leisure. The actual character and Palico creation kit won't be available, only available in the final release. You will be limited to 6 different presets for male and female hunters, as well as Palicos. This data isn't stored on the PS4, to quote:
Data will not be saved. Once the application is closed, your character's name, appearance, equipment, and all other settings will be reset to default.
Quest completion data will be saved to the server.
Side details and Rewards:
In the game settings, you will be able to set the language filter, the text and dialogue options being: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. This will match you with players of the same language, so you won't be playing with non-native language speakers. Quality of life improvements to the questing system won't be available with the demo such as joining quests that have already started, Guild Cards, removing players from a quest, and friend invites. This is will be in the retail version though.
Completion of the quests will earn you one face paint to customise your character within the released version. This is potentially a PlayStation limited customisation, details on if this will be on the Xbox or PC isn't currently available. Also, additional booster items can be gained for completion as well. The listed items being: lifepowder, max potions, shock traps, and other unlisted items. Listed currently are consumable items, much like old DLC available on the 3DS line-up which gave you booster pack of items to cut down on the initial grind (or Zenny problems). To claim these bonuses in the released version, you must be logged into the same PlayStation account used during the beta. The download size is 5.1GB, compatible with PS Vita Remote Play (not PlayGo), and there will be no customer support.