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Mirage: Arcane Warfare Slain by GDPR

Mirage: Arcane Warfare Slain by GDPR

Since the GDPR legislation took action, many online-focused games have gone the way of polio and been eradicated due to government action. However, where polio was a bad thing, videogames that help developers not starve to death are pretty neat.

The newest addition to the wasteland of dead games is Mirage: Arcane Warfare, a game from Torn Banner Studios, who brought you the Chivalry titles. They announced that Mirage would be unsustainable due to regulations, and official servers would be going offline on the 29th of May. However, players will still be able to access online matches on servers not rented or owned by Torn Banner.

Rest in Peace, Mirage: Arcane Warfare. We hardly knew ye.

Caleb Ransbury

Caleb Ransbury

News Writer

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Acelister - 12:45pm, 27th May 2018

Looking at the figures on Steam Charts, I'd be more inclined to say it's a lack of sales/playerbase that's been the major factor in killing this off.

Calburry - 02:14pm, 27th May 2018 Author

In a roundabout way, the lack of players is what's been killing all of these "GDPR Causualties". However, the official Torn Banner forum post cited the law(s) specifically, so that's what I wrote here.

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