Minecraft Allows for Cross Platform Multiplayer
Minecraft is quite possibly one of the most immortal games of our generation.
With Minecraft in new hands it still continues to be a driving force in the industry.
Now, Minecraft on Windows 10 will have the ability to play with others over the Pocket edition. As long as everyone has Xbox Live, they can connect over a local network no matter what version they are using.
Enchantments on weapons will also continue across files no matter which version you're using. You'll also be able to encounter golems and ocelots, and even explore the Nether. Finally, this update brings the ability to sneak and sprint in Pocket Edition.
TKChino - 02:56pm, 12th September 2015
Wait so i will be able to finnally play with friends from xbox over the PC, as long as its over LAN only?
Guess i need to start a lan party again at some point in time.