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Metroid 2 Fan Remake Released to Celebrate 30 Years of Samus

Metroid 2 Fan Remake Released to Celebrate 30 Years of Samus

It has officially been 30 years since Metroid was released on the Nintendo Entertainment System. As Nintendo haven't announced anything in regards to it, a team of fans have released the final version of their fan remake of Metroid II: Return of Samus!

It's been 10 years since they started work on the project, trying to bring the 1991 Game Boy title up to date, with updated graphics, music and gameplay. Although Super Metroid may be seen as the pinnacle of the series, Metroid II helped solidify the "metroidvania" subgenre of 'go find an upgrade, then you can come back here'.

Now that it boasts graphics on par with the Game Boy Advance title Metroid Fusion, there is little reason to not take a look.

Your mission: Exterminate all the Metroid organisms in planet SR388.

If you accept this mission, head over to their download page and grab it for PC, with a Linux version coming soon!

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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