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Mega Man Battle Network coming to WiiU eShop

Mega Man Battle Network coming to WiiU eShop

Following Nintendo's recent release of Game Boy Advance titles on the Wii U's Virtual Console Capcom has confirmed that their 2002 RPG Mega Man Battle Network 3 is headed to the online platform. Capcom have also stated that they are currently considering bringing other Game Boy Advance games to the eShop with possible franchises including other Mega Man titles, Street Fighter, Breath of Fire and Super Ghouls n' Ghosts.

The announcement, however, did come with the possibility that these Capcom titles may be somewhat uncertain in the PAL territories with a representative for Capcom making the following statement;
"We are working on bringing this and other GBA titles to the North American Virtual Console, We'll have more information about the lineup in the coming months. For Australia and Europe, we are still in discussions about the release of Virtual Console titles for those markets."

Nintendo began releasing Game Boy Advance games on the WiiU in April and to date 8 titles have beenr released including Advance Wars, Mario & Luigi: SuperStar Saga and Metroid Fusion.

Jonathan Durham

Jonathan Durham

News Reporter

With a backlog that would bury a man, Jonathan writes about games to ward off the thought he might, one day, suffer that very fate.

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