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Medal of Honor Above and Beyond gamescom Trailer

Vince Zampella, head of Respawn Entertainment, came out to start talking about Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. Vince informed us that the game is going back to its roots and that Peter Hirshman (the director of the original 1999 game) is heading the ship for the new Medal of Honor. The new game will also be playable in VR which is a huge announcement for any FPS fan and will define a new way of playing first person shooters.

Peter Hirshman, came out and essentially said in an interview that there are three acts to the new campaign, act one is preparing the invasion, act two is the invasion and act three is dealing with the nazi’s. Peter also revealed that we could potentially be getting VR in multiplayer. A new trailer was showcased showing how different this new game will be compared to previous iterations.

Blake Hawthorn

Blake Hawthorn

Staff Writer

Plays games while singing "Blake on me".

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