Marvel Heroes 2016 Update Detailed
We mentioned as much a couple of months ago, Marvel Heroes 2015 will be rebranding itself to Marvel Heroes 2016.
The changeover will occur in December, bringing with it a new story chapter -- Secret Invasion --, new characters, updated visuals and more! In fact, we have a list right here:
- “Secret Invasion” Story Chapter: Battle alien Skrulls of all shapes and sizes, including the Super-Skrull himself, Kl’rt, who makes his long-awaited, much requested Marvel Heroes debut.
- Controller Support: One of the community’s most requested features.
- Visual Updates (pictured): Revamped looks for characters introduced during Marvel Heroes’ 2013 launch window.
- Leaderboards: Something new and interesting to do every night. Tournaments and Seasons will grow out of this eventually.
- Steam Achievements: Players loved the new in-game achievements added to Marvel Heroes 2015 – now, the feature extends to Steam with nearly 100 of them.
- Mac Out of Beta: The Mac version has been in beta for over a year now. Not anymore.
- “All-New All-Different” Material: Keeping things current with what is happening in the greater Marvel landscape to a greater degree than ever, such as the current “All-New All-Different” comics, while still also continuing to honor over 75 years of comic history.
They also have some things planned for the following months!
- Savage Land Patrol Zone: A never-ending gauntlet of dinosaurs, sadistic mutates and more!
- Thanos Raid: The Mad Titan makes his Marvel Heroes debut.
- More! Stay tuned for further announcements.
With the recent addition of Kitty Pryde, there are now 51 characters to play as -- and that list keeps on growing. With the tenth story chapter coming in only a couple of months, and the ability to play 49 of the characters up to level 10 before locking down your choice, there's never been a better time to play this free-to-play MMO.
I truly believe our game is better than ever now, and the rebrand to Marvel Heroes 2016 represents our never-ending initiative to continue improving for the next year and beyond. As game developers, we’re privileged with the great power to create an action-RPG set in the Marvel Universe; with that comes our inherent responsibility to Marvel’s millions of fans to deliver an excellent product that only gets better with the more we add to it.
- Jeff Lind, Studio Director
We see what you did there, Jeff. ;-)
CraftyAK - 08:58am, 13th October 2015
Can't wait, really enjoy this game.