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Manhatten Update for The Tenants

Take on the biggest of apples in the new update for The Tenants in the Manhattan Update

The city that never sleeps is ready to make sure you never sleep as you spend countless hours lost in this particular sims management title. The key features of this update include:

New District - Manhattan - Nestled among New York City-inspired landmarks like Times Square and the Statue of Liberty, and in the rolling landscape of Wonderhills, inspired by Beverly Hills, are dozens of new properties for you to buy, rent, and sell.

New Property Type - Office Spaces - If you’ve got the money and the time for a bigger challenge, turn your Manhattan properties from RESIDENTIAL to BUSINESS. Business office spaces will function differently from residential in a variety of ways, including:

  • Higher utility rates and rental prices.
  • Properties are rented to a company’s CEO and employees. Would you rather rent to an accounting firm or a game development studio?
  • Specific decoration requirements, new events, property subscriptions for added value, and interactions with your new tenants - the CEOs of the Netflixs and Amazons of Manhattan.
  • New Goal System - Target Cards - Get ready for selective challenges! An assortment of short-term goals testing you with interesting achievements between larger milestones.
  • City Pickups - Collectibles and Respawning Rewards - Scattered throughout The Slums, The Suburbs, and Manhattan are new “pickups” that will reward you for exploring the district maps.

The Manhattan Update is the final update coming to The Tenants ahead of its 1.0 launch later this year. 

Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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