Lost Ark Delayed & Some Players Asking for Refunds
In a recent tweet on Lost Ark's official Twitter, the developers announced that the game's official free-to-play launch would be delayed due to deployment issues. This delay is only expected to last a couple of hours.
Unfortunately, due to deployment issues, launch is delayed. We hope to have this resolved in a matter of hours.
— Lost Ark (@playlostark) February 11, 2022
Your patience is appreciated and we’ll update you soon.
Some players that bought the Lost Ark Founder's Pack have begun asking for refunds due to the incapability of joining the servers, with several queues reaching tens of thousands of players waiting. Arguments are being made that, due to the hotfix update that took away from player's early access and the several-hours long queue, they were not capable of benefitting from their purchase.
Will you be issuing refunds to people who got the founders pack? People have paid for early access and have spent hours in Ques and now people can't even get on the game. I took the afternoon off to play today because the Ques have been so bad on an evening. What a waste of money
— CherieLeanneVictoria (@Missingperson13) February 11, 2022
Wedgeh - 06:24pm, 11th February 2022
Artura Dawn - 08:52pm, 11th February 2022 Author
Confirmed, you're gonna have to ask for a refund =/.