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Loot Crate to Deliver Batman: The Telltale Series Season One

Loot Crate to Deliver Batman: The Telltale Series Season One

Loot Crate is the monthly subscription company that deliver exclusive geek merchandise every month with different themed crates.

The November Unite 2.0 themed Loot Crate will be available for £24 (plus shipping) and will come bundled with every episode of Batman: The Telltale Series Season One and products worth more than £60. Included with this offer is 25% off Batman: The Telltale Series Season Two.

Telltale Games develop narrative-driven games with a focus on choice and consequence, they are the developers behind the well received The Walking Dead and A Wolf Among Us series. Batman: The Telltale Series puts players into the fractured psyche of Bruce Wayne and will make choices that will impact the life of Bruce Wayne and Gotham itself. Check out our review of Batman: The Enemy Within here.

This crate is available now and until 19th November and Batman: The Telltale Series is available now for download on Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, iOS and Android.

Kayla Hill

Kayla Hill

Social Manager

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