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Life by You — Announcement Trailer & Early Access Release Date

Paradox Tecnonic, a development studio that was formed in 2019 by Paradox Interactive, shows off their new life simulator titled Life by You, a much-needed competitor to the Sims franchise.

The two-minute-long announcement trailer showcases various features for creative folk and life simulator enthusiasts that are looking for a new entry to play after spending thousands of hours on the Sims franchise and that are tired of waiting for Sims 5 (we see you).

The trailer starts by showing off various elements in the game, namely the open-world simulation aspects of various characters (it feels weird not to call them "sims") doing day-to-day chores and moves on to the creative side, including a very in-depth customisation option and decorations. 

Life by You Screenshot5

Many of the alluring key features are showcased in the trailer, such as taking control of anyone (including third-person direct control), various creative options, internal and external house decorations, and more. 

Creative types will have a field day with Life by You, featuring creators for pretty much anything in the game — careers, dialogues, events, mods... you name it! Jump into your new life when the game releases on the 12th of September in early access! Wishlist on Steam or purchase the exclusive Epic Games pre-order now!

Life by You Pre order Screenshot2

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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