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Let's Play Gun Gun Pixies - Mission 3 + Most of Mission 4

This is the second and start of the third mission from Gun Gun Pixies, the newest title from Idea Factory & Compile Heart, first shown on the GameGrin Twitch stream on the 6th of September.

It goes from the middle of "Mission 3: The new guest is a Destruction Demon?! The Desctruction Demon stays indoors!" to most the way through "Mission 4: Our training has crossed dimensions! The goddesses descend!"

Playing the game is myself, who is no stranger to games full of upskirt shots, but it seems like nothing could prepare me for this game.

Gun Gun Pixies is out on Switch, and coming to PC on 1st November.

Let's Play
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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