Lego The Hobbit 'Buddy-Up' Trailer
Shying away from the epic feel of the previous trailer, Warner Brothers have put out a new humorous trailer for Lego The Hobbit.
Following along the lines of Ocean's Eleven and others, it begins with 'Every Adventure Needs A Good Crew'. It then introduces the roles some of the characters will play - The King, The Jumper, The Shooter, The Ladies Man, The Rest Of Them. It then tells us 'Team Up, Join Forces And Take Them Down. Every Adventure Is Better With Your Buddies'.
Notably, it lumps Bilbo Baggins in with 'The Rest Of Them'. He's not in much of the new footage that wasn't in the first trailer. Most of the footage also centres on the two-player aspect of the game - lifting a battering ram, swinging someone around, climbing atop each other to create a staircase.