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Learn More About Metal Slug's Legacy in this New Mini Doc

Dotemu released a new entry to their video diary to discuss Metal Slug Tactics and how they've reflected on the legacy of the original METAL SLUG to establish a homage to the franchise's legacy. 

Developers from SNK and Leikir Studio get together to reminisce about the series, and how they're glad that so many people still have an interest in 2D and pixel art in games. Included in this mini-documentary are original hand-drawn art, and how they worked to make the soundtrack exciting with some fast-paced guitar riffs.

If you're a fan of METAL SLUG, or even if you're new to the series, you'll no doubt find this video interesting. You can see the amount of passion that comes from both Dotemu and Leikir Studio as both the publisher and developer have such an intense, lifelong love for the series. 

But what is Metal Slug Tactics? As the newest installment, Metal Slug Tactics is a top-down grid-based tactical RPG, while the original series was known for being an iconic run-and-fun series. Whilst it is a new take on the franchise, it's one that they still wanted to respect the history of. Keeping in line with both fresh ideas and a chance to be a respectful homage, this is a new way to fight as one of the four series stars: Marco, Tarma, Eri, and Fio.

You can still expect to find the classic weapons of the original METAL SLUG, with different skill trees, perks, and super-attacks as you battle against flanks of signature enemies. The soundtrack will feature music from Tee Lopes, and while the game is wholly developed by Leikir Studio, SNK has happily supplied the IP to them, and Leikir is being supported by the publisher Dotemu.

If you're interested in Metal Slug Tactics, then you'll be pleased to know that it will be coming to Nintendo Switch, Steam, PlayStations 4 and 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One later this year. 

Bex Prouse

Bex Prouse

Staff Writer

Writing about all sorts like a liquorice allsort

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