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League of Legends is Changing the Honour System Once Again

League of Legends is Changing the Honour System Once Again

As we lurch closer to Season 15, with the last League of Legends Split on its way and the final few patches making their arrival, we are getting a first look at the things that are making their way. One of the main changes that Riot Games is focusing on is none other than the upcoming changes to the Honour system.

Years ago, before the current Honour system existed, we were able to commend players from both teams and had an unlimited number of honours we could give. The controversial patch was supposed to make honours more memorable and meaningful, though it mostly became a system to honour your teammate (though countless times, users were told that honouring your premades didn't really do much).

The Honour system is getting improvements, seemingly returning to its roots of yore, giving you the opportunity to tease four opponents (judging by the screenshot provided in the blog). In general, what's coming is changes to the rewards, more honours, and the capability to detect griefing with a higher accuracy (which the blog says sits at about 70% right now).

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The change to the amount of honours is coming in September (likely with the return of the Honourable Opponent, though nothing was confirmed). Next up is the Griefing Detection, with two new systems being added to detect grief and trigger the Disruptive Behavior Repair. The game will now detect obvious catches like selling all of your items after 20 minutes, buying only Faerie Charms, or wasting your ultimate every time it's up, just to name a few of the changes. Additionally, the game will be using more compound data to learn about the behaviour, other suspicious behaviours, report rates, statements of intent in chat, and more. Riot Games is hopeful to bring the accuracy rate to 95% with these changes, but they are in the middle of testing right now.

The Disruptive Behavior Repair system has already given a total of 40,0835,461 awards and repaired 13,514,919 transgressions across the Howling Abyss and Summoner's Rift.

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Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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