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Killing Floor 2 - What's New in the Christmas Crackdown Update?

We're in the festive season, and as is tradition with developer Tripwire, we've got a new seasonal update to enjoy for its most gruesome game Killing Floor 2Christmas Crackdown, this year's yuletide event, brings with it a new map and two new weapons for players across all platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Linux. Check out the launch trailer for the update above.

Christmas Crackdown

What's New?

  • New Community Map - Elysium: A horrific, apocalyptic purgatory-like realm where the souls of deceased zeds go to rest... or be slaughtered again by you. Enjoy some all-new achievements to go along with this map too.

elysiumswamp killing floor 2

  • New Weapon - HRG Vampire: A Field Medic weapon, the HRG Vampire absorbs the blood of enemies and launches it out in condensed balls. These projectiles can both harm enemies and heal teammates.

hrg vampire killing floor 2

  • New Weapon - Frost Fang: A Support and Berserker weapon available as paid DLC, the Frost Fang is both an ice-imbued axe and shotgun rolled into one. Freeze your foes with a swing and shatter them with a blast: the perfect one-two punch!

frostfang killing floor 2

  • Various Bug Fixes And Improvements - Nothing too exciting here folks. At least, nothing as exciting as an axe-shotgun.

Christmas Crackdown is available now in Killing Floor 2 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Linux.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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